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About The Class


*You must at least 18 years old and have

3 minute phone call with Sue in English to make sure that  you will

understand the materials  & the test.


*This class requires physical attendance at the MetrOasis campus in Anchorage, Alaska

even though it is a partially web-based curriculum. All materials and the exam are in English.

To begin your training email Sue at

This class does not teach you how to perform manicures, apply artificial nails, or any other technical skills within the nail industry. The entire purpose of this class is to teach you how to work safely and prevent the spread of infections and diseases while you provide services to your clients.


The State of Alaska requires that anyone applying for a nail license take a written test and has stated this requirement as such: 

"The written examination must cover subjects designated by the board and must test the applicant's knowledge of sanitary practices, safety of all procedures, and use of instruments, equipment, and chemicals permitted within the field of practice for which the applicant is seeking a license."


The state requires that this class cover sanitation and safety measures, bacteriology, sanitation, including chemical agents, and sanitizing methods and procedures, as well as federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; and infectious agents and infection.


This class provides a certificate of completion with the successful participation of the class and a passing grade of 75% or higher on the exam.


Our program is self-contained and computerized so you can take this course at your own pace. If you would like to do 10 hours in a row, you can. If you'd like to do 2 hours a day, you can. You're not stuck with a group with set hours that may or may not fit into your schedule. If you work during the day, you can also take this class from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm if you want. It's up to you. Available days are Wednesday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Thursday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Call if you have questions.


The program consists of six modules and a test.


Module #1 Bacteriology is 1 hour.

Module #2 Decontamination is 2 hours.

Module #3 Infection Control is 3 hours.

Module #4 Nail Anatomy & Physiology is 2 hours.

Module #5 Nail Disorders & Diseases is 2 hours.

Module #6 Harmful Products & Protection is 2 hours.


The test is included in this program in English.

HB 131-LICENSURE OF MANICURISTS/HAIR DRESSING                                                                    
3:20:08 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR OLSON  announced that the first  order of business  would be HOUSE BILL  NO. 131,  "An Act  relating to  the licensure  of nail technicians  and   hairdressers;  relating  to  the   practice  of manicuring; and providing for an effective date."                                                                               
3:20:34 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE LYNN  GATTIS, Alaska State Legislature,  stated she previously  introduced  this bill  [in  the 28th  Legislature]  on behalf  of a  member of  the Board  of  Barbers and  Hairdressers. She  advised that  the board  was adamant  in its  desire to  help improve the health,  safety, and hygiene for nail  technicians and salons.    The  board  wants  to   professionalize  Alaska's  nail technician  workforce.    This bill  would  enhance  the  training requirements  from  12  theory  hours  without  any  exam  to  250 practical  and theory  hours with  a state board  examination.   A manicure   or  pedicure   can  be  necessary   for  the   elderly, physically disabled,  diabetic, and  those not able  to personally                                                              
attend  to their  hygienic needs.    Alaskans should  not need  to worry about contracting  infections in a nail  salon from improper sanitation or improper use of tools.                                                                                            
3:23:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS offered  her belief  that nail  technicians should  be   able  to  

identify  diseases   and  administer  the appropriate  procedures,   keeping  hygiene  and  

safety   to  the highest   standards.    She   stated  that   consumers  and   nail technicians

will  appreciate the additional  training requirements that can  lead to greater  safety and

statewide  implementation of hygiene practices in nail technology.                                                                                           
3:23:48 PM            

​REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX expressed  concern that  the bill does  not have  a grandfather  clause  for  nail technicians  who  currently provide services.   She recognized HB 131 has  a quasi-grandfather clause  with  requirements  as a  condition  of  license  renewal.                                                              

However, she expressed  concern about this might  affect the "mom-pop"  businesses  or single  mothers  who  are trying  to  support their children  as manicurists.   She cautioned that 250  hours of training,  or essentially  six  weeks to  two  months of  fulltime effort, could  mean these manicurists might not  be able  to work simultaneously.   She expressed  hope that  consideration  will be given to grandfathering  in those who have been  in the profession for a while.                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS acknowledged  that  she has  passed on  the foregoing  concern  to  the  board chair  [Board  of  Barbers  and Hairdressers], who  was adamant that  this is a health  and safety issue  for Alaskans.   She  understood the  business concerns  and mentioned   that  perhaps   the  issue   to  accommodate   current practitioners  can be  resolved  in another  committee  or on  the House floor.                                                                                                                    
3:25:39 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES  asked whether the board, [Board  of Barbers and Hairdressers], was asking for these changes.                                          
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS  answered  that  the  board  requested  the change, but she deferred to her staff to more fully respond.                                                                                                                                                                                              
3:26:18 PM                                                                                                                    
TYSON GALLAGHER,  Staff, Representative Lynn Gattis,  Alaska State Legislature, on  behalf of the prime sponsor,  Representative Lynn                                                              
Gattis,  stated  that a  letter  from  the  Board of  Barbers  and Hairdressers was forthcoming.                                                                                              
3:26:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KITO  said that  he  did not  see  any letters  of support  or opposition  from  nail  technicians,  just from  board members or  consumers.  He expressed  concern that there  were not comments from anyone who will be impacted under this statute.                      
MR. GALLAGHER  related his  understanding  one letter in  members' packets was  from a licensed  manicurist.   He added that  some of the  licensed   [barbers  and   hairdresser]  currently   practice manicuring.                                                                                                                     
3:27:30 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   GATTIS  added   that   she  has   gone  to   nail technicians  for the past  10 years  in the  Lower 48 and  Alaska.                                                              
She offered  that many  nail technicians are  Asian and  most were trained in the Lower  48.  She offered her belief  that it was not uncommon for practicing  nail technicians to have  acquired 250 to 400 hours  of training, which is  very different from  the minimal 8-12 hours of  training required in Alaska.  She  further believed that the current technicians are fine with the bill.         

​3:28:40 PM                                                                                                                    

REPRESENTATIVE  KITO referred  to the  fiscal note  and asked  for further clarification  on whether  the department will  absorb the costs to adopt  regulations due to the proposed  regulations being combined with  other projects.   He suggested that  the department might need to respond  since it seemed as though  the division has made conflicting  comments  on being  able to  absorb the cost  of adopting regulations.                                                                                                           
3:29:35 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX  referred  to  pages  3  and  4,  [proposed Section  6] and  noted a  different  standard seems  to exist  for large and small communities.                                                                                                    
MR. GALLAGHER  referred to  Section 6,  [AS 08.13.160]  (d), which lists the  exemption for areas  where licensing provisions  do not apply.   However, this  geographic stipulation  was not  addressed in this bill.   He suggested that a limited number  of manicurists practice in some areas, but deferred to the board to respond.                                                                   
3:30:56 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX  asked whether  any changes were  being made to AS 08.13.160(d).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
MR. GALLAGHER  answered yes.   He referred  to page 4,  lines 4-7, which would  remove two [paragraphs]  that relate to  the practice of  manicuring  by a  student  as part  of  a 12-hour  course  and exempts the  shampoo staff from licensure.   The reason  to remove [paragraph  (2)]   was  due  to  removing  the   12-hour  practice certification.   In addition,  the sponsor  worked with  the board and  determined the  shampoo person  was not  a professional  that needed licensure.                                                                                                               
3:32:01 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX understood  the  exemption  was already  in statute.                                                                                                                       
MR. GALLAGHER answered yes.                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX  remarked   that  if  this  bill  addresses health and safety,  she quesioned whether those  small communities should also be subject to the additional training.                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE GATTIS deferred to the board.                                                                                    
3:33:04 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES  asked for further clarification  on whether the board verbally indicated its support for the bill.                                               
MR. GALLAGHER answered  yes; it his understanding  that the entire [Board of Barbers and Hairdressers] supports the bill.                                                                                                                                                                                                     
3:33:35 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES  asked whether  the training schools  in the state support HB 131.                                                                                                
MR. GALLAGHER  answered that the  sponsor has not had  any contact with  the training  facilities; however,  two schools  are in  the Anchorage area.
3:34:00 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  HUGHES asked  whether  this  training will  impact consumer costs for  services.  She indicated that  nail technician services  in the  Lower  48 are  much less.    She understood  the importance  of  health  and  safety in  the  industry,  but  asked whether  it  will  raise  costs for  manicures  and  pedicures  in Alaska.                                                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS said  she  considered these  services as  a supply and  demand issue.  Certainly,  as sponsor, she  can't tell a  business  what they  should  charge,  but  she was  unsure  the additional hours of training will affect the cost of manicures.      


3:35:22 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  HUGHES asked  whether the  sponsor has heard  from nail technicians who anticipate charging more for services.                           
REPRESENTATIVE GATTIS answered no.                                                                                              
3:35:37 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KITO  appreciated that there are schools  in Alaska so technicians  will not  need to  travel out-of-state  to acquire the  proposed additional  training  for  licensure.   However,  he suggested that  if two  schools are located  in Anchorage  and the bill requires  licensees to submit  to 250 hours of  education, it may  require nail  technicians to  spend a  significant amount  of time away  from home.   He  expressed concern  about the  training costs  for  licensed nail  technicians,  therefore,  it  certainly seemed  they may decide  they must  charge more  to recover  their training costs.                                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS said  she hoped  the Board  of Barbers  and Hairdressers  could have  that discussion.   She  deferred to  the board, but  related her  understanding that  the board  needs this bill to move the industry forward.                                                                                              
3:36:46 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  COLVER  asked  whether  these  functions  will  be handled by the existing Board of Barbers and Hairdressers. 


REPRESENTATIVE GATTIS answered yes.                                                                                             
3:37:06 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  COLVER  said  he  did not  see  language  for  any designation of seats for a manicurist.                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS answered  that this  bill does not  address board  composition,  but focuses  on  training and  education  for health and safety aspects of nail technicians.  

3:37:42 PM                                                                                                                    

REPRESENTATIVE   HUGHES  asked   for   further  clarification  on grandfathering since  some technicians may not meet  the 250 hours or may  not have received training,  so the supply  of technicians could go down and costs could go up.                                                                                            
MR. GALLAGHER understood  the concern, noting that  the changes in training would  ultimately be a policy  call.  He said  that since the  state issues  licenses,  it effectively  offers  its seal  of approval  that  the  person  has   acquired  skills  and  training sufficient  to offer  services to  Alaskans.   The state wants  to stand  behind  safety  regulations   to  protect  consumers.    He offered his belief  that the market will bear  costs and certainly the  potential exists  for costs  to  be passed  on to  consumers; however, he  felt that will balance  out in a  competitive market. He noted approximately 1,000 people hold manicurist licenses.                                                                   
3:39:21 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  HUGHES  questioned  whether students  enrolled  in the  250-hour  course  could  practice,  similar  to  hairdressers enrolled  in   training  programs,   and  offer  nail   technician services at a lower cost.                                                                                                       
MR. GALLAGHER  answered yes.  He  referred to proposed  Section 9, which  adds  a   student  permit  section.     The  Department  of Commerce, Community  & Economic  Development currently  offers two levels  of  manicurist  licenses.     One  class,  the  manicurist requires 12 hours  of training and the second  class, the advanced manicurist,  requires 250 hours  of training  and passing  an exam for  licensure.   This bill  would raise  the minimum  requirement for nail  technicians to 250 hours  and passing a  mandatory exam, which essentially  will merge the  two current licenses  into one.  These changes  provide more hands-on  training and  experience for students, including instituting student permits.                                                                                
3:40:43 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  OLSON  asked  whether  any  portion  of  the  training  was offered on-line via web training.                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE  GATTIS said  she was  not sure.   She deferred  to the Board of  Barbers and Hairdressers, although  she believed the board's goal  was to accommodate  rural area technicians  on-line, in particular, in terms of hygiene, health, and safety aspects.                                                           
3:41:20 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KITO  asked whether the schools in  Alaska have the capacity to provide a 250-hour training program.                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE GATTIS deferred to the board to respond.                                                                         
3:41:56 PM                                                                                                                    
DEANNA  PRUHS, Member,  State  Board  of Barbers  &  Hairdressers, Department   of  Commerce,   Community   &  Economic   Development (DCCED), spoke  in support  of HB  131.  She  stated that  she has been licensed  hairdresser in  Alaska for 30  of the 34  years she has worked in the  profession.  She has served for  three years on the Board  of Barbers  and Hairdressers  and has  been working  on this  bill  during her  tenure.    She  noted  that the  Board  of Barbers  and Hairdressers  has been  working on  these health  and safety issues  for eight years.   She offered  to respond  to some questions,  noting that  the training  for  the 250-hour  advanced endorsement  was  already offered  by  the  division.   This  bill would make  the advanced  endorsement the  standard and  eliminate the  12-hour manicurist  license  that allows  people  to work  in salons  without possessing  any  knowledge  pertaining to  health, safety, and hygiene necessary for nail technicians.    


3:43:38 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. PRUHS reported  that the bill would require  passing a written national  examination from  the  NIC [National  Nail  Technology], without  requiring  licensees  participate  in a  practical  exam. The national  exam is  offered online and  is provided  in several languages,  including English,  Spanish,  Vietnamese, and  Korean.  Candidates can take  practice written exams and  obtain additional information online.   In addition,  schools also  offer manicuring as  part  of  hairdressing  education   and  training.    The  two manicuring  schools  in  Anchorage   already  teach  the  250-hour course,  but  without  the  Board   of  Barbers  and  Hairdressers requiring the  mandatory hours, some  students only elect  to take the  12-hour  course.   She  cautioned  that this  creates  health issues  since manicurists  use  cuticle scissors,  razors,  cheese graters, and  electric drills  to remove skin  and file  nail beds for the application  of acrylic and gel in order  to install false nail  applications  on  hands  and feet.    Manicurists  also  use chemicals  to remove  calluses and  acetone to  soak off  products for removal.   If not  done properly, it  can take months  for the nail  bed to  recover  and  clients can  lose  their  nails.   She reported that California  raised its nail technician  standards in                                                              
2004 when  some celebrity  lost her  thumbnail.   She pointed  out that  sanitation  was  crucial  and  it  only  takes  a  miniscule opening  in the  skin  to allow  bacteria into  the  system.   She reported that the  Department of Environmental  Conservation (DEC)                                                              
has  had several  complaints  in the  past  year from  communities from Soldotna to Fairbanks.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
3:46:00 PM                                                                                                                    
MS. PRUHS said  one advantage of adopting new  regulations is that Alaska  licensees would  have an  opportunity  for reciprocity  in other jurisdictions,  since the 12-hour manicuring  license is not recognized  in   any  jurisdiction.    Thus   Alaska's  manicurist licensees  cannot  practice  in  other  jurisdictions  until  they first qualify  via state  board testing or  attend school  to meet the minimum requirements.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
MS.  PRUHS stated  that the  12-hour  manicurist licensee  obtains his/her  professional  license  by taking  safety  and  sanitation course  without   any  practical  training.    She   offered  that "professional"  is defined  as  obtaining standards  of  education and  training  that   prepare  members  of  the   profession  with particular knowledge  and skills necessary to perform  the role of that profession.   In  her view, the  12-hour safety  & sanitation course does not fit that definition, she said.                                                                                  
3:47:03 PM                                                                                                                    
MS. PRUHS  pointed out that when  she accepted the  board position with the  Board of Barbers  and Hairdressers, she  understood that her role  was to  provide state agencies  information on  specific issues,  provide   regulations  for   the  industry,   and  ensure consumer protection.   This board  has been trying to  get minimum requirements increased  for the past eight years.   She emphasized that this  bill is  very important  to the board.   She  has heard horror  stories,  seen  photographs,  and  observed  clients  with infections  or   those  subjected   to  gross  negligence.     She emphasized the  importance of making  the manicurist  license mean something  by bringing manicurists  up to  national standards  and keeping  the  public safe.    She  characterized  this as  a  very important issue.                                                                                                                
3:48:37 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX   expressed  two  concerns.     First,  her community  has  a  large  Hmong and  Laotian  population  and  she wanted  to  know   whether  the  test  will  be   given  in  those languages.                                                                                                                      
MS.  PRUHS  was  unsure,  but she  suggested  the  exam  could  be transcribed   or  given   orally.    She   suggested  that   those applicants who have  already passed the 12-hour  exam could likely pass  this one.   In  further response  to Representative  LeDoux, she  said that  the  same proctors  who  administer  the Board  of Barbers and Hairdressers exams would administer an oral exam.                                                                   
3:49:58 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX expressed  her  second  concern, which  was the lack  of any provision  for those already  in the  business to meet the  new requirements.   She  acknowledged  she has seen  the previously  mentioned  photographs   that  illustrated  infections clients  suffered and  agreed  that manicurists  need  regulation, but  it seemed  as though  on  the job  training  and work  should count for  something.  She said  that many manicurists  are single mothers trying  to support their  children and they  cannot afford to take two months off to take a 250-hour course.                                                                               
MS. PRUHS  agreed.  She  assured members  that the board  does not want  to  put   anyone  out  of  business,  but   wants  to  adopt regulations increasing  training and education requirements.   She related her understanding  that those technicians  who are already licensed  can renew  their licenses,  thereby allowing  additional time  to achieve  the  endorsement  by  taking the  written  exam. This  bill  does not  require  them  to  go  back to  school,  but manicurists  must  demonstrate  adequate   knowledge  of  hygiene, health and safety aspects of nail technology.                                                                                   
3:51:49 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE LEDOUX  referred to page 6, lines  6-11, noting the transition language  seems to allow licensees to  be grandfathered in until their  license renewal, but then licensees  must meet all licensing requirements, including the hours and test.                                                                           
MS.  PRUHS related  her understanding  that the  Board of  Barbers and  Hairdressers would  give licensees  time to  prepare to  take and the state board exam and submit proof with their renewal.                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  LEDOUX   questioned  whether  the   drafter  might explain the transitional language.                                                                                              
MS.  PRUHS suggested  that  licensees take  the  board testing  to receive the endorsement.                                                                                                        
3:53:22 PM                                                                                                                    
SARA  CHAMBERS,   Acting  Director,   Division  of   Corporations, Business,  and  Professional Licensing,  Department  of  Commerce, Community,   &   Economic   Development   (DCCED),   agreed   with Representative LeDoux  that any licensees  who currently  have not taken the 250-hour  training course must meet the  new requirement prior  to   their  August  2017   license  renewal,   which  means licensees would have two years to comply.  

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